Kent trust installs sustainable generator
A forest with a battery in it

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) has swapped diesel for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) in its generator.

The project is led by KMPT Sustainability team and is expected to pump out around 75 per cent less carbon than it did before and therefore improve the air quality on the site.

The generator will be efficient and sustainable and is expected to last up to ten years.

The generator, located on the Maidstone site, provides temporary power in the event of an outage.

Energy and environment manager Vicky Cooper said: “I am very proud to see that KMPT are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by taking part in this trial and are open to exploring new opportunities to find innovative, low impact, cost-effective solutions to lower emissions.

“It was really simple to switch from diesel to a greener fuel too. No changing of filters or pumps, no alternations needed to the generator and no mess. It was a surprisingly quiet process, which caused zero impact to our service users – and it was all completed within just over an hour.

“I think we’re getting a preview of what sustainability looks like for KMPT in the future – and how simple actions can make a massive difference.”