Extra funding for mental health hubs
A child and an adult hold hands. the photo is taken from the adult's perspective, and is a close up of their hands touching.

Mental health drop-in centres across the UK will receive an extra £3 million of funding, the Department of Health and Social Care has announced.

Thousands of children and young people will receive easy-access mental health interventions at 24 hubs in local communities. The hubs are open to those aged 11-25, and are available for anyone who may not meet the threshold to receive NHS support.
The drop-in centres offer mental health support and advice to young people without a referral by a doctor or school. Services provided include group work, counselling, psychological therapies, specialist advice, and signposting to information and other services. 

The £8 million overall package aims to improve access for children and young people to vital mental health support, offering early interventions to improve wellbeing before their condition escalates further.

Maria Caulfield, mental health minister, said mental health support for young people is a "key part" of making the healthcare system faster, simpler and fairer.

She said: "No child or young person should suffer alone, and this additional funding for 24 mental health hubs will improve access and bring in more staff and experts who can help those who need it the most."

A network of around 70 Early Support Hubs currently exist across the country. They are run by a range of local services including volunteer organisations, NHS Trusts and local authorities.  

They aim to offer advice on wider issues which may affect a young person’s mental health, including sexual health, exam worries, jobs, drugs, alcohol and financial worries.