Welsh Government gives update on HIV Action Plan

Eluned Morgan, Welsh minister for health and social care has given the Annual Progress Statement on the HIV Action Plan.

The HIV Action Plan and tackling HIV-related stigma were commitments in the Programme for Government.

The HIV Action Plan was launched on 7th March and includes 30 actions aimed at meeting the World Health Organization’s goal of zero new HIV infections by 2030.

The plan was co-produced with partners from the NHS, the voluntary and community sectors and people who are living with HIV.

Some actions from the plan have already been delivered, including establishing Wales as a Fast Track Nation - the third Fast Track Nation in the world.

Wales HIV Testing Week has been launched and aims to promote the importance of testing and increasing access.

All health boards have committed to tackle late HIV diagnosis and are going to meet every six months under the chairmanship of a senior consultant from Cardiff and Vale Health Board, to look at each individual late diagnosis in Wales, to understand why they occur, and focus resources on the best strategies to end further transmission.

Gething said: "We have made an excellent start in the delivery of the 30 actions. With the continued collaboration of our key stakeholders and partners, we can ensure that we reach our goal of zero transmissions of HIV by 2030."