Elite Systems
Company Focus

Elite Systems (GB) Ltd. is a nationwide bespoke modular building construction company based in West Yorkshire.

With over 30+ years of experience of working with various NHS trusts and private healthcare providers across the country, we are experienced in providing appropriate, thoroughly equipped, specialist workspaces needed by health practitioners within the medical profession.

We make sure every healthcare facility development or extension task we take on runs with the minimum of fuss. We build modular buildings for healthcare:

  • on time
  • to budget
  • to the high standards and compliance regulations
  • in line with our Considerate Constructors Scheme membership, wherein we factor in the impact our work may have on the surrounding area and people working or living nearby

What can Elite Systems build for your healthcare centre?

Whatever new building you need, we complete the majority of the build in our own factory mitigating the impact on your existing healthcare facility. We specialise in:

  • A&E medical centres
  • Clinics and health centres including outpatient care
  • Consultation rooms
  • Doctors’ surgeries
  • Emergency and crisis buildings
  • Hospital specialist diagnosis, screening and treatment rooms
  • Morgues and mortuaries
  • Section 136 suites
  • Wards of all specialisms including maternity, isolation, and general

A&E medical centres

From 1st March to 31st May 2023, 44,626 people in England visited A&E according to latest NHS statistics. With 170 sites across England alone, that makes it roughly 3 people every hour arrive at A&E for a whole host of reasons and ailments.

Here at Elite Systems we can help you to expand your footprint with extended waiting areas, private consultation pods for triage, sleek reception areas and bathroom facilities to reduce discomfort for patients and to streamline your process as much as possible.

Clinics and health centres including outpatient care

There’s a huge range of clinics that offer specialist treatments for a wide range of conditions such as family planning and sexual health, fractures, dental, blood tests to diabetes screening, and eye tests. We are confident that we can build the right addition to your medical centre’s needs with most importantly the appropriate amount of space each clinic might need for the specialist equipment required.

Consultation rooms

Both for staff and patients alike, sometimes it is far more preferable to have a private room to discuss any health complaints. This puts both patients and personnel at ease because they’re quieter and provide cover and a clean environment for examinations to take place, and most importantly the sharing of personal information.

We can build pods within a room or build an external structure with link buildings to provide such spaces.

Doctors’ surgeries

From building an additional wing at your facility to creating a creating a smaller breakroom for staff, we can help fill the need at your medical practice. We can work with you to deliver exactly what you need.

Morgues and mortuaries

As with all elements of healthcare, we are also experienced in creating sensitive and appropriate spaces for the care of the deceased, including quite spaces for visitations, and the important tasks around autopsy and establishing cause of death for coroners’ reports. We are working with a council in London to build a forensic centre with the means to cater for professional coroner work and areas for the public.

Section 136 suites

The care of those with chronic and severe conditions needs to take place in warm, comfortable, and safe surroundings with all the amenities staff and patients need to make sure the facilities are appropriate. We have designed such wards and separate buildings before and can work with your requirements to bring such facilities to fruition.

Wards – general, maternity, palliative, and more

Wards take up a large footprint of most facilities as the space for convalescing and assessment before and after screening and treatment has taken place. During the pandemic we built an entire isolation ward for a hospital in Surrey and have repeatedly worked with the same NHS trusts over the years to provide the needed bed space to care for the local population. We can also provide wards for maternity and parental suites for those whose children need further postnatal care or paediatric support too, while at the other help your organisation to have warm and clean contemporary wards for those who need palliative care.

Why choose us?

We’re proud to have supported NHS Trusts and private healthcare over more than three decades.  We stand by our vision of creating exceptional, bespoke buildings that meet the needs of our customers. By choosing Elite Systems to build your modular building, we can assure that from the start and through to long after the building’s finished, you, the staff and your patients are in safe hands.

Design and Build