Funding to improve neurodivergence services in Wales
A line drawing of a doctor and a patient

£13.7 million has been invested to improve neurodivergence services and reduce waiting times for autism and ADHD assessments across Wales.

Demand for the services has grown in recent years, with increased awareness leading to thousands of people seeking assessments and support.

The funding will extend the work of the National Neurodivergence Improvement Programme to transform services and support the National Neurodivergence Team until March 2027. This will build on the £12 million invested over the past 3 years and £3 million to reduce the longest waiting times for children's assessments in November.

Mental health and wellbeing minister, Sarah Murphy said: "We know radical change is needed in this sector and we are working with the NHS and services to improve long-term support for neurodivergent children, adults and their families.

"In the face of unprecedented demand for both diagnosis and treatment, we have made significant progress in developing integrated services.

"This further investment will help reduce assessment waiting times while ensuring sustainable support is available for those who need it."

The Neurodivergence Improvement Programme has already made improvements, these include: extending workforce training across health, social care, education and specialisms; piloting innovative needs-led profiling tools; and enhancing data collection and reporting systems.