New cancer campaign in pub and stadium toilets

NHS England has launched a cancer campaign, which will see urinal mats in public places hold messages about blood in pee.

The NHS is working with P-Wave, a urinal products manufacturer to put “Blood in your pee? Contact your GP practice” on urinal mats in thousands of men’s toilets across the country.

The mats will appear in pubs, restaurants, shops, hotels and sports stadiums.

Blood in pee is a common symptom for bladder, kidney or prostate cancers, which are all among the ten most prevalent cancers in the country, and generally affect men more than women.

It is hoped the campaign will lead to earlier diagnosis and save lives.

A new survey has found that nearly half of men (46 per cent) thought blood in pee was not a symptom of cancer. And two-fifths (39 per cent) of men surveyed said they would wait until they’ve noticed blood in their pee multiple times before seeing a GP.

Professor Peter Johnson, NHS England National Clinical Director for Cancer, said: “Having blood in your pee – even just once – shouldn’t be ignored because it can be a sign of cancer, so it needs to be checked out by your GP team.

“Cancer survival is at an all-time high, and we’re seeing more cancers than ever before being picked up at an early stage – and this partnership with P-wave is just one of the many ways we are helping people to be aware of possible cancer symptoms.

“While this initiative is about helping men to spot the signs of cancer, everyone needs to be more aware– please look for any changes that may be unusual for you – and get checked out early, it could save your life.”


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