Focus Games
Product Feature

Focus Games are the leading game developers focused on education for health staff and patients.

Game-based learning is an innovative approach to education that leverages the principles of games to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. This approach has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to motivate learners and improve retention rates. Health staff can benefit significantly from game-based learning, as it can help them acquire new knowledge and skills in a fun and engaging way. The key benefits of game-based learning for all health staff are:

  1. Enhanced engagement
  2. Improved knowledge retention
  3. Safe learning environment
  4. Customizable learning experience
  5. Collaborative learning

With over 20 years of experience, we have developed games aimed at improving knowledge and outcomes, and have won numerous awards for our innovative approach.

Visit our website to learn about over 150 existing games, or get in touch to discuss creating a unique game or simulation to meet your needs. We also have a unique commercialisation model which means your game idea can also be a revenue generator. Find out more at
